Ministry Update, November 2022
Greetings! Some missionary newsletters might start with “Greetings from the other side of the world.” I was thinking of starting this one with, “Greetings from the...
Thinking Christian
Greetings! Some missionary newsletters might start with “Greetings from the other side of the world.” I was thinking of starting this one with, “Greetings from the...
I have good news. Lots of it. I’ve been holding out on you too long, and I need to pass it along. It’s about bad news...
It’s happening — at last!
Step by step, this past year or two, I’ve been building toward an equipping ministry for pastors. Now it’s moving into its next phase, and I’m excited to see it coming to fruition. It’s still not easy — see the prayer requests below — but by God’s grace, it’s coming together.
I’m writing this during the winter storm of February 3, 2022. So far it’s turning out less disruptive than what we’d prepped for, when earlier forecasts...
The Apologetics Fellowship at a special-invite luncheon with conference speaker Alisa Childers. It’s time for an update on ministry, especially for prayer and financial supporters. It’s...
(Image: G. K. Chesterton in 1931) That headline’s a paraphrase. What author and columnist John Zmirak actually said about my book Too Good to be False...
You Can Give, Just By Spreading the Word on Social Media! The song goes, “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.” It’s not...
The run-up to the election has made work at The Stream incredibly intense the last weeks or months, but it’s almost over. Thank God, this whole...
Tomorrow, Friday, July 31, at 5:00 pm Eastern time: Online Webinar on Too Good to be False Michael Stover of Valor Media will interview me tomorrow...