Growth in Being and In Power—In Jesus Christ
I've been reading David Bentley Hart's The Experience of God. I would recommend Hart to atheists the way I would recommend Hitchens to theists: both are...
Thinking Christian
I've been reading David Bentley Hart's The Experience of God. I would recommend Hart to atheists the way I would recommend Hitchens to theists: both are...
Book Review Think Christianly: Looking at the Intersection of Faith and Culture by Jonathan Morrow I have an all-too-large “guilt shelf,” which is what I call...
Logos is offering Jonathan Edwards' Treatise Concerning Religious Affections for free this month. It's a classic. Get your copy here!
Book Review I’ve just spent hours in the company of outstanding Christian leaders: the late Dr. Paul Brand and Dr. Ralph Winter, to begin with. Not...
Books/Apps Review I don’t know when I’ve seen anything like Doug Powell’s books Resurrection iWitness and Jesus iWitness. It’s not just their incredibly rich visual design, or their...
Book Review My friend Holopupenko urged me—no, implored me—to read William C. Placher’s book The Domestication of Transcendence: How Modern Thinking About God Went Wrong. It’s...
Yesterday when I posted on the Christian Apologetics Alliance, I purposely left out two blogs that belong in a category of their own: The Poached Egg...
The Christian Apologetics Alliance represents an expanding wave in Christian thinking and practice. It’s a Facebook-based group with a public page and an active blog at...
Mark your calendar! Truth for a New Generation, Sept. 28 and 29. I’ll be there sharing on apologetics from a strategic ministry perspective. Hope to see...