Transgendered Persons and Homicides: Co-opting Statistics To Peddle a Message
Doing background research related to yesterday’s blog post on bullying, I ran across this CBS News headline from last November: “Homicides of transgender women in U.S....
Thinking Christian
Doing background research related to yesterday’s blog post on bullying, I ran across this CBS News headline from last November: “Homicides of transgender women in U.S....
Science Guy Bill Nye says he stands for excellence in thinking skills and scientific reasoning. Recently, however, he violated both of those values in the very...
I just wrote a math journal article, and it only took me thirty seconds. Here it is: Scalars and Monge’s Conjecture. Pretty good, considering I can’t...
What do you make of an opening line like this? The unusually large brains of mammals apparently didn’t evolve so that we could ponder philosophy —...
From Melanie Phillips today comes possibly the most intellectually aware statement I have seen from any journalist on the Intelligent Design controversy, including this: While materialist...
Richard Dawkins wrote in The God Delusion that religion is a dangerous form of child abuse, a claim he reiterated in an online essay titled “Religion’s...
This, from Discover Magazine, is just for fun: You don’t have to look to hard to find bad science writing. Here at Discoblog, we do our...
I saw this headline in my newsreader, and of course I was intrigued. Spirituality protects against depression better than church attendance Questions were clicking in my...
This news just in from EurekAlert (quoting the actual headline): New comet discovered in Canada To be more specific: [A] comet has been discovered at the...