Sex, Bias, and the Design of Life
I’ve been reading the competition, so to speak — not that there really is any competition with Ed Feser. I don’t agree with everything he says,...
Thinking Christian
I’ve been reading the competition, so to speak — not that there really is any competition with Ed Feser. I don’t agree with everything he says,...
Edward Feser recently posted a “Note on Falsification,” beginning, Antony Flew’s famous 1950 article “Theology and Falsification” posed what came to be known as the ‘falsificationist challenge’...
I am not Catholic. I cannot assent to the view of the Reformation presented in the blog post I’m about to direct you to. I am...
A philosopher came through the university, explaining the purpose of life, the way to happiness, the answer to the question of immortality, and the truth about...
Though he has yet to respond to mine, which came first in the sequence of our discussions, I’m going to devote some time now to James...
Comment conversations here lately have brought up the question, “Sure, you think Christianity is true. Muslims think Islam is true. Hindus think Hinduism is true. What...
President Obama declared his affirmation of same-sex “marriage” yesterday. His opinion changes nothing except the legal and political environment. More specifically, it has no effect on...
Today I am at last finishing my series on new Christian blogs in 2011, with another six excellent blogs. Randy Everist is a frequent co-participant in...
Lawrence Krauss’s book A Universe From Nothing was panned about as effectively as any publication I’ve seen, when David Albert published his review in the NY...