How Wrong Is It To Suggest a Darwin-Hitler Link?
The estimable Nick Matzke has raised the issue here again whether we can appropriately draw any causal linkage from Darwin to Hitler or Nazism. He suggests...
Thinking Christian
The estimable Nick Matzke has raised the issue here again whether we can appropriately draw any causal linkage from Darwin to Hitler or Nazism. He suggests...
The source of this quote is likely to surprise you, both the place (and time–be sure you notice that!) where it appeared, and also who said...
Before now, the one topic that has drawn forth the most anger on this blog has been homosexuality. Not any more. About 2 1/2 weeks ago...
A few days ago Tony Hoffman suggested, Expelled’s charge and the constant revival of this aspersion on this website — that Darwin leads to Hitler —...
Dembski asked this question rhetorically. It would help to consider some actual answers anyway. I propose four of them here.
Two articles of mine posted on other websites today: On Handling a Hot Topic (how Christians ought to engage in controversies like the one over...