Homosexual behavior due to … ?
EurekAlert does it again! Would someone please explain to me how this article merits this headline??? Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors
Thinking Christian
EurekAlert does it again! Would someone please explain to me how this article merits this headline??? Homosexual behavior due to genetics and environmental factors
As a writer, I often enjoy Language Log simply for what I learn there about language, whether it’s connected to topics I’m involved with or not....
Today’s Los Angeles Times highlights disagreements among Bible students over homosexual “marriage.” Among the various views presented, I strongly endorse this one from a Catholic priest...
Homosexual activists rudely shouted down an academic lecture, because they didn’t agree. That’s no more impressive than the bullies here. And my wife just reminded me...
Abortion harms women. The Royal College of Psychiatrists is taking a very strong stand on this, saying it’s time to reverse positions and overturn policies on...
Homosexual activists in the Keystone State are blasting a public school principal simply because he is a Boy Scout leader…. the president of an organization that...
“Not tonight, dear, I have to reboot.” Artificial-intelligence researcher David Levy projected a mock image on a screen of a smiling bride in a wedding dress...
From the Washington Times, via Family Scholars Blog, comes this news on portable polygamy: The British government has cleared the way for husbands with multiple wives...
Seen at Magic Statistics, insight on how to keep your marriage healthy: “What matters the most is being involved in a religious organization,” says Amy Burdette,...