Is “Erroneous” Erroneous?
Someone in the family just asked me, “How do you spell erroneous?” I answered, “e-r-r-o-n-e-o-u-s.” Then I wondered, was that, or was that not, erroneous? Maybe...
Thinking Christian
Someone in the family just asked me, “How do you spell erroneous?” I answered, “e-r-r-o-n-e-o-u-s.” Then I wondered, was that, or was that not, erroneous? Maybe...
There sure are a lot of versions of Jesus out there. Can we know the real Jesus? How? It’s almost embarrassing–yet not the least bit surprising–how...
Is Jabberwocky the best nonsense poem in the English language? If not, then in what language is it the best nonsense?
Paul, frequent commenter here, sent me this link by email: Overcoming Bias: Zombies: The Movie. Some excerpts: DOCTOR: David! David Chalmers! Can you hear me? CHALMERS:...
The Best Headline Ever? “Skywalkers in Korea Cross Han Solo” It’s a real story, from Hat Tip to The Point
Rodents of Unusual Size: eight feet long, 1700 to 3000 pounds–really! But they lived a long time ago. (Never heard of ROUSes? You gotta watch The...
From BRITES: The veiled agenda of Intelligent Design bleeds through its empty rhetoric like a gushing chest wound staining a freshly bleached T-shirt. ID is a...
Sometimes on Sunday mornings, standing in line for coffee in our church fellowship hall, I tell the people in front of me, “You sure are brave...