50 Simple Questions for Christians: Strange Definitions
I’m running a weekly series at The Stream this year on Guy P. Harrison’s 50 Simple Questions for Every Christian. There are a lot more than...
Thinking Christian
I’m running a weekly series at The Stream this year on Guy P. Harrison’s 50 Simple Questions for Every Christian. There are a lot more than...
Groundbreaking “Lewis-esque” article now available again! Five years ago I published an article at Touchstone magazine that I titled “Too Good to be False,” and which they titled, “The Gospel Truth...
We Christians get charged with believing things uncritically, not showing sufficient curiosity about other beliefs, or about how ours could be true. I’ve got the same...
This week’s edition of Contentious Questions (Because some questions just are that way): They say that Christianity is anti-science. I wonder who’s really being anti-science. See also my...
I’m on my way to Little Rock for an interview with FamilyLife about my book , I decided to re-read the book on the way, and...
Skeptics often ask, “Is there anything that could possibly cause you to give up your belief in Jesus Christ?” It’s a good question and a complicated...
Happy Independence Day! Today, more than any Independence Day in my lifetime, is a day for thinking about what it will take for us to restore our freedoms...
Book Review I’ve been doing some work recently on the theory that Jesus Christ was a legendary figure, so I thought I should read Reza Aslan’s...
My daughter called home yesterday from college, during the first session of a course on World History Since 1500. “I’m dropping this course,” she said. “The...