The Very Alien Question of Marriage (from The Stream’s Pastors’ Corner)
(Also published at The Stream.) What is marriage? What is it for? Why does marriage matter? Ten years ago, those were the hottest questions on the...
Thinking Christian
(Also published at The Stream.) What is marriage? What is it for? Why does marriage matter? Ten years ago, those were the hottest questions on the...
Jesus got marriage right, and in the process he got all of sexual morality right. Here’s one way you can show that even to people who aren’t convinced of His deity.
Christians aren’t supposed to say we have the one truth, right? So goes the opinion around our culture, anyway. We’re supposed to be “humble” about our...
The Apologetics Fellowship at a special-invite luncheon with conference speaker Alisa Childers. It’s time for an update on ministry, especially for prayer and financial supporters. It’s...
Faith vs. Science: It feels like David approaching Goliath, with no sling and no stones. Or at least, that’s the way a lot of people want...
Faith vs. Science: It feels like David approaching Goliath, with no sling and no stones. Or at least, that’s the way a lot of people want...
The time has come, at last, tell some of the story, and then very soon to launch the new church-equipping initiative that I’ve been building toward...
It’s coming together in ways I never expected, and that’s a good thing. If you’ve been following me here on the blog or the podcast, you...
I met a pastor from my home town at a conference a couple years ago, actually a pastors’ pastor, who ministered to dozens of others in...