Atheists: What Does Your Worldview Explain Better Than Christianity?
I have a question for atheists. What does your worldview explain better than Christianity? Notice that I asked, “what does your worldview explain better than Christianity?”...
Thinking Christian
I have a question for atheists. What does your worldview explain better than Christianity? Notice that I asked, “what does your worldview explain better than Christianity?”...
Book Review How Jesus Passes the Outsider Test: The Inside Story by David Marshall. (Full disclosure: David Marshall is a friend and a contributor to True...
Part of the extended series Evidence for the Faith Are you the same person you were when you were two years old? Not entirely: you’ve changed...
A few weeks ago Harry H. McCall posted this challenge on John Loftus’s blog: Explanations for Luke Breuer and David Marshall (or Any Christian Apologist) to...
Today I’ll have the privilege of taking part in two radio interviews, both of them focusing on my recent Touchstone article on the historicity of the...
Daniel B. Wallace, a leading New Testament scholar, responds to my recent Touchstone article on the historicity of Jesus: The May/June 2014 issue of Touchstone has...
Bob Seidensticker looks at my “Too Good Not To Be True” argument against Jesus-legend theory, asking “Is this a powerful new apologetic argument?” He finds it...
The story of Jesus is unimaginably great; therefore it’s true. That’s a new way I’ve just thought of to summarize my recent Touchstone article, : “What...
Today I’m announcing a new argument for the historicity of the Gospels, published just now through Touchstone Magazine. The editors have titled it The Gospel Truth...