Okay, You’re Right: There’s No Evidence For Faith (Original Thinking Series)
Republished from January 29, 2014. Part of the extended series Evidence for the Faith I thought I was about to launch into a series on evidence...
Thinking Christian
Republished from January 29, 2014. Part of the extended series Evidence for the Faith I thought I was about to launch into a series on evidence...
Adam Hamilton’s book Creed repeatedly affirms that belief is a choice, but for him it appears to be a stab in the dark, a matter of the will, not the mind.
Spencer Hawkins’s “Contra Christian Apologetics” sets an admirably rational tone but errs anyway through unawareness of the whole conversation.
[Update 2/6/17: This is proving to be a learning project for me. Good questions have come up in comments here and on Facebook. So at this...
I could use your help with a presentation I’m preparing. Read on to find out how. C. S. Lewis popularized what’s come to be known as...
Finally, a good recording of a talk I’ve given several times. With great friends at The River church in Liberty Township, Ohio, last Sunday morning.
Edward Feser recently posted a “Note on Falsification,” beginning, Antony Flew’s famous 1950 article “Theology and Falsification” posed what came to be known as the ‘falsificationist challenge’...
A reader emailed me this week with a couple of questions about methodological naturalism and burden of proof. He told me it would be fine if I...
Book Review God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence For a Divinely Created Universe Crime Scenes If this book is about a “crime scene,”...