The Death of God, The Descent of Man, The Death of Humanity
Is there any figure in all Western history more ironic than Friedrich Nietzsche, he who proclaimed the death of God? In mock tragic voice, his Madman...
Thinking Christian
Is there any figure in all Western history more ironic than Friedrich Nietzsche, he who proclaimed the death of God? In mock tragic voice, his Madman...
Skeptics often ask, “Is there anything that could possibly cause you to give up your belief in Jesus Christ?” It’s a good question and a complicated...
Get the picture? Here’s the challenge: Atheistic morality is allegedly better than Christianity because Christians are looking for a reward for our goodness, while atheists are good...
While I learn my new position as senior editor with The Stream, I’ll be re-posting older, “evergreen” blog posts that were written on an older blogging system...
There’s a common saying among Christians: “Don’t pray for God to teach you patience–you won’t like what he’ll put you through to learn it!” I don’t...
You’re on a firing range holding a loaded pistol. The target area is curtained off, all but a piece of cardboard standing about three and a...
I got an email from a reader named Mark this morning, who told me he was frustrated by the lack of decent thinking among many in the...
I read Keith’s comment #172 this morning with deep grief in my heart. He wondered whether there was something unique about Christianity that would cause it...
If these questions don’t challenge you to the depth of your intellect, you’re not thinking of God as God really is: Read through the list, and...