Strategies for Apologetics
Book Review Brian Auten of Apologetics 315 has just posted a telephone interview we did together recently. Brian’s website is one of the best for an...
Thinking Christian
Book Review Brian Auten of Apologetics 315 has just posted a telephone interview we did together recently. Brian’s website is one of the best for an...
Book Review As if the Sermon on the Mount and the Prophets weren’t disturbing enough, now I’ve gone and read Richard Stearns’s 2009 book, The Hole...
Book Review/Podcast [podcast][/podcast] I had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer by phone on Monday, January 11, about his powerful recent book...
Book Review When I picked up Cornelius Hunter’s Science’s Blind Spot: The Unseen Religion of Scientific Naturalism, I expected the “unseen religion” of the title to...
Book Review A few weeks ago when I had lunch with Bradley Monton, his colleague and friend Robert Pasnau came along as well. Pasnau introduced himself...
Book Review I should have anticipated it from the title, but N.T. Wright’s The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is presented me with...
Book Review “One of the most haunting things about living in Rwanda after the genocide is that killers still walk among the survivors.” (From page 249.)...
Book Review Bayard Taylor has a knack for explaining issues for teens and college students, and doing it clearly, with a refreshing sense of humor. He...
We spent Christmas with the Gilson side of the family this year. One of many very enjoyable conversations I had with there was about books, with...