Accordance 12 for Bible Study — Resources Right at Hand
Accordance Bible study software simplifies research, note-taking, and personal study, in addition to other helpful features to be covered as well.
Thinking Christian
Accordance Bible study software simplifies research, note-taking, and personal study, in addition to other helpful features to be covered as well.
I got an email a while ago asking for help promoting a crowd-sourced study Bible called everyword. Maybe my mention of it here will count as...
I’ve entered into a cooperative agreement with Logos Bible software recently, as you might have surmised if you saw my recent giveaway blog post. Logos has...
Get a new book every month–for free! From Logos, the Bible software people. Disclaimer: I got a free book for telling you about this. Well, not...
If the first several posts in this series have you considering the purchase of Bible study software, you’re probably wondering which package to invest in. I’m...
Serious Scripture study is often sermon preparation, or preparation for some other kind of presentation. Does Bible software have anything to offer as an aid to...
A college dormitory floormate of mine named Dan took part in all of our dorm Bible studies and prayer times. One day in a Bible study...
Why study the Bible on computer? I’ve written previously about significant negatives associated with electronic study, especially Bible study. I don’t find it especially conducive to...
The Internet is the best and worst thing that could have happened to serious study, I wrote last time in this series. The benefit is in...