
Tom Gilson is a national church and conference speaker on the truth and goodness of Christianity, equipping Christians and not-yet-believers for confidence in Christ.

See video of Tom’s teaching.

Topics List:

Too Good To Be False: Why Jesus Christ Is Too Great To Be Mere Legend

Video here. Based on Too Good to be Falseas well as related teaching published earlier at this blog post and the related article.

Counter the Culture —Keep On Speaking the Truth!

Video here.

Is It Okay To Believe There’s One Truth, and That I Know It’s True?

Synopsis and Audio; YouTube Video.

The Map or the Fuel? How to Escape Legalism and Live by Grace

Video here; based on The Map or the Fuel: How To Live By Grace.

Stand Strong!

From my Stand Strong Apologetics Course, already put in use, but in further development for widespread use at the Spiritual Readiness Project:

  1. Introductory: Reasons? Who Needs Reasons?
  2. God, the Coronavirus Crisis, and the Problem
  3. The “Arrogance” Charge
  4. The “Intolerance” Charge
  5. The “Anti-Science” Charge
  6. The Genesis Controversy
  7. How Do We Know There’s a God?
  8. The “Jesus Legend” Charge
  9. The “Unreliable Bible” Charge
  10. Reasons for Believing in the Resurrection
  11. Now That You’ve Done the Study, What Now?

Critical Conversations: Your Guide to Discussing Homosexuality With Your Children

Based on Tom’s Kregel Publications book of (almost) the same name.

(Almost) All Questions Allowed!

For teens or adults. Got a tough question about the faith? Need an answer? Do your students need to know Christianity isn’t afraid to face the hard questions? I’ve had all-questions sessions with groups ranging from extremely gifted youth to intensely personal men’s bible study. It’s “almost” all questions on the faith as we live it out in today’s culture: how we know it’s true, and how it interacts with contemporary opinions and beliefs.

Talking With Your Children About Tough Questions: Why You Have To Do It, and How You Really Can

A two-hour seminar for parents (with a 30-45 minute option available).

How Arrogant Is That, Really? (Is It Okay To Believe There’s One Truth, and That I Know It?)

Synopsis and Audio; YouTube Video.

Does Faith Make Sense In an Age of Science?

Synopsis and audio

Uncreating Atheists: A Plain Answer to Atheism’s Most Effective Strategy.

Based on Tom’s book Peter Boghossian, Atheist Tactician: What He Gets Right, (Some of) What He Gets Wrong, And How Christians Must Respond.

Atheist Role-Play

Helping students and adults recognize the questions that atheists bring our way—and equipping them to answer.

Called To Be Great

The most humble thing you can do as a Christian is be all that God has called you to be.