Three Media Events:
Critical Conversations! Tuesday Afternoon
Tuesday 1:30 pm Central, 2:30 pm Eastern:
Revealing how parents can realistically guide teens through the toughest questions on sexuality and gender (based on my book ). This will be a previously taped conversation with Judy Redlich, KSIV Radio 1320, St. Louis. Listen live!
Facebook Live on “Christian Arrogance” — Tuesday Evening
Facebook live with The Stream, answering the question, “Christians Say Our Way is the One Way to God. How Arrogant Is That??” Watch and interact live here. and for a preview read the provocative article at The Stream.
I’ll post the video here soon after the event is over, for those who can’t join in live.
In Studio Wednesday with FamilyLife Today
For later broadcast at a date to be announced, I’ll be in studio with Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine of FamilyLife Today radio, talking about Critical Conversations again.
Image Credit(s): Austin Neill, Unsplash.