I found a plug-in yesterday to add up some numbers for me.
In just under 9 years of blogging on the WordPress platform, you and I have done the following:
- 2,156 posts
- 1,083,744 words of posts
- 9,862,914 words of comments (and counting!)
- 10,946,658 words of posts plus comments (not counting this one)
That’s an average of
- 27 comments per post
- 4,575 comment words per post
- 3,030 words of comments every single day
At an average of 250 word per page, that’s
- 4,335 pages of posts
- 39,452 pages of comments
- 18.3 pages of comments per post
- 12.1 pages of comments every day
At this rate we’re about 45 days away from 10,000,000 words of comments. We might not get there quite that soon: my pace has slowed down lately, as my work has taken me other directions.
Still — wow.