I wrote here a few days ago that I had another major life event to share soon. This week is the week. I’m in training this week at Life Outreach International to come on board as Senior Editor and Ministry Coordinator with their major new ministry outreach, The Stream, specifically to focus on apologetics and inspiration.
A Necessary Ending
Someone wrote a book called Necessary Losses. I don’t know the book but I can appreciate the wisdom present in the title. There is hardly ever a new beginning without an ending.
This marks a necessary loss for me, the end of my full-time direct involvement with Ratio Christi, where I’ve been Vice President for Strategic Services; although I’m certainly planning to stay in touch and involved, and I encourage every reader here to find ways to support Ratio Christi. I had the privilege of spending yet one more hour in video conference with RC leaders across the country on Tuesday evening. I love these men and women and all they’re doing to equip students, faculty, and others with the confidence of Christ.
A Divinely Led Beginning
This is of course a beginning, too, and I’m not just excited about it, I’m thoroughly stunned by God’s grace. I was praying about this yesterday evening, totally consumed with total wonder, astonished God would choose someone as spiritually fickle as me for an opportunity like this. I am unworthy even to speak of God, much less to write and help others write about him. I know that many people have been praying for me (and for our family). This could only have happened through the work of God—especially the way he confirmed the decision even before I knew about the opportunity.
His leading was unusually clear. I’ve never experienced anything like it. One Sunday night a few months ago my wife and my son were going to a Sunday evening at the church my son attends. This church was running a four-week Sunday evening prayer emphasis, with people volunteering to pray for others after each of these services. My wife had been prayed for the week before, and was instantly healed of a strange back and chest tremor that had stumped her doctor and her chiropractor. She and my son were encouraging me to come that night for prayer for my injured foot.
I said no. I never did say yes, not to them, not even to myself, but still I went. Does that sound strange?
Drawn by God
I said no because I had an article to finish on a deadline. I made it through and hit the send button right at just about the right time to make it to the after-service prayer time. I do not recall at any point deciding I was going to go there–and yet I went. I was drawn there. I no more decided to go there than you would decide to go to work on a Monday morning. It’s something you do, not something you think through at the moment and then decide to do. I’ve never felt such a being-drawn-by-God sort of certainty like that before.
I made it for the prayer time. My wife and son were there, and we sat down with two people I’d never met. One of them, a young man named Chris, prayed for my foot, but then he said something unexpected. He said he was getting a word from the Lord that there was a major change coming my way, that it would be different from what I’d ever done before, that it would be a very positive change for me and my family, and it would extend my platform and my influence.
Led By God
No one has ever prayed that way around me before. It was far too significant to count as a horoscope-type prediction. The fulfillment was even more specific. About eighteen hours later I got a Facebook message from Jonathan Witt, Managing Editor at The Stream, asking me whether I’d be open to discussing the position of Senior Editor for Apologetics. It was an exploratory question: the position hadn’t been created yet, hadn’t been approved, and wasn’t on the books.
I was interested, and I was quite sure God was leading. Still, one does not just assume that guidance like this is really from God, without also considering it through more ordinary channels of wisdom and guidance. So I consulted with friends who knew me well. My wife and family and I talked and prayed it over at great length. All those piece came together to confirm the decision. It took several weeks to pull it all together, but now I’m coming on board, soon to start editing and writing for The Stream.
Amazed Over God’s Grace
I am still stunned that God would open up this opportunity for me. The Stream is led by people I’ve known (or known of) and admired for years: Jay Richards, Jonathan Witt, Alan Eason, David Mills, Anika Smith, and others I’ll be getting to know better soon, with James Robison leading it all from behind the scenes. It’s a premier center for Christian and conservative information and perspective. They’ve wanted to increase and enhance the specifically Christian message, and that’s what I’m coming on board to help do.
I’ve got more to share about why I thought this was the right place to be, with the right mission, the right spiritual mindset, and the right people. I’ll save that for another post coming soon.
There will be changes to be made on the blog here to reflect this transition. Those changes will come gradually over the course of the next week or so.
By the way, all this has taken a lot of time, and a lot of spiritual and mental energy. It’s another reason (along with this one) that my blogging pace has slowed down lately. Soon we’ll see how the pace may pick up. In the meantime, please visit The Stream. I’ll see you there soon!
Congradulations! I sincerely hope that this transition is the step forward that you’re looking for. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks, Travis.
Congratulations! I enjoyed reading your description of what sounds like a very intentional call by the Lord to this position. Peace & blessings to you as you proceed!
Congratulations, Tom! The new calling sounds like an exciting opportunity for you. I hope you and Sarah are constantly thrilled with the ministry and what you see the Lord doing as you serve in this new capacity.