Mission Celebration Week Continues: One Year in Ratio Christi National Leadership

My anniversary week continues, a mission celebration week: one year with Ratio Christi! God has launched this movement into a jet stream. I’m constantly praying, and always trying to keep up with all he’s doing. As before, I’m asking you to join in with me in support.

Just today—in fact, just since lunch today. I’ve been on the phone with Ratio Christi leaders who have told me about…

  • New ministry cooperative efforts ramping up at Northwestern Michigan college,
  • A new student leader appearing out of virtually nowhere to help lead the chapter at a major southwestern university, and
  • A whole new chapter opening up near that university.

It’s summertime. We expect to see less happening during these months, in a way, but in reality there’s a lot going on in preparation for next year. Since lunch today:

  • I’ve been helping work through another new chapter director’s campus placement decision.
  • I spent time helping a director work through what to do with a student going through a crisis. (Earlier this week I spent days on a much larger-scale version of an issue like that one.)
  • Our training director worked on topics to cover during an upcoming training day for our campus chapter directors.

Also in those same calls, our leaders told me of…

  • Campus secular student club leaders intentionally and repeatedly disrupting Ratio Christi meetings. (This happened near the end of the last school year)
  • Online atheists insisting that the Bible must not be true because there are passages where only half the tribes of Israel are mentioned. (Of all the reasons I’ve heard people try to use to deny the Bible, that’s one of the worst ever.)

I feel inadequate. I know I am inadequate. God uses inadequate people. One way he gets his work accomplished is by bringing people together to accomplish what no one could do alone.

That’s why during this celebration week, I’m asking you to consider joining with me to help supply the resources needed to lead a ministry like this one. Won’t you consider helping? Thanks!

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