Peter Boghossian Debates Timothy McGrew Saturday on “Unbelievable”

This Saturday’s Unbelievable with Justin Brierley features a debate between Peter Boghossian, Ed.D., and Timothy McGrew, Ph.D., on Boghossian’s, Manual for Creating Atheists. It’s a radio show airing at 2:30 pm in England, and available live online everywhere else, from the link above. For North Americans, if I’ve got my time zones right it’s playing at 9:30 am EDT.

Dr. Boghossian is an instructor in philosophy at Portland State University, whose book and lectures I have interacted with at length. Dr. McGrew is professor of philosophy at Western Michigan University, a specialist in evidence, knowledge, and philosophical questions of faith.

Unbelievable features debates between Christians and atheists/skeptics/secularists every weekend. it’s on my short list of favorite podcasts. This one of course holds special interest.

Watch this blog for reaction and follow-up after the debate airs. It’s going to be lively, I’m sure.

BoghossianBookCover-350x509UPDATE: See the live blog/recap of the debate!

For more on Peter Boghossian see my ebook Peter Boghossian: Atheist Tactician.

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4 Responses

  1. Billy Squibs says:

    I hope that both guests are aware of the various criticisms levelled against PB’s book. Back in 2012 there apparently no one had challenged him… ever.

  2. Billy Squibs says:

    BTW, two of the three links in your content section are broken, Tom.

  3. Tom Gilson says:

    Fixed. Thank you!

  1. May 24, 2014

    […] never tried this before, but if technology permits I’ll be live blogging my reactions to the Tim McGrew/Peter Boghossian Unbelievable debate at 9:30 am Eastern Time, March 24, […]