True Reason: Confronting the Irrationality of the New Atheism is coming out any day now!
Tomorrow at 4 pm EST I’ll be talking with Janet Mefferd about this book, a newly revised look at Christian rationality, as opposed to New Atheist irrationality. Listen in with us!
Tom, I heard on the Deeper Waters podcast that the ebook version isn’t revised. Any word on this changing?
(Love the cover art, btw)
The two books have different publishers. Patheos owns all the ebook rights. When they were approached about selling those rights to Kregel, they said no. They didn’t say it in exactly those words; they said it by quoting a price that they certainly knew would not be accepted. Thanks for asking, though, and thanks for the encouragement.
Dear Tom, I own the e-edition of True Reason and have enjoyed it. I listened to your interview with Janet Mefford today and thought you did a fine job presenting your point of view, and the anti-reason that Dawkins and his buddies tend to enlist when critiquing Christianity. However, I was a bit dismayed that you elected to go on her show. Her over the top Calvinism mixed with dispensationalism and an extreme right wing bent verging on the conspiratorial is hard to take. She appeared to believe that the only legitimate argumentation against atheism is a defense of the historicity of the Bible and the life of Christ.
I’m not a student of Janet Mefferd. She asked me some questions about how best to approach atheism, and I sensed she wanted to take the conversation a certain direction, as apparently you sensed as well. I took my part of it where I thought it should go.
Carson (my co-editor) and I are actively seeking opportunities to engage with atheists on their podcasts and etc. If we can speak our message there, certainly we can speak it with Janet Mefferd!
You are right, no one should be excluded from the opportunity to hear arguments for the reasonableness of the Christian faith including Janet Mefferd. I am sure there are many in her audience who would benefit from your book. It is my personal bias that caused me to react inappropriately. Sorry.
That’s a shame, Tom. But at least I’m learning new things about the book publishing business! I would imagine that the guys at Reasonable Doubts would consider chatting to you.