I need your help.
I’m getting tired of the database connection errors that keep plaguing this website—how about you? The last time I checked in with tech support on it, they said it was likely the blog had outgrown its “shared hosting” setup. It was nice while it lasted–very inexpensive! But it’s not keeping up with the traffic and new technical demands.
So I’m asking for your help. I’m moving (again). I hope this is it for a while? Now, I know this blog has been helpful to many readers here, so I’m hoping several of you will jump on board with me to keep it running.
The new web host is going to cost somewhere between $15 and $50 per month, depending on how much computer resources it ends up requiring. Tech support there was unable to predict. Frankly as a supported missionary the time I’m putting into this blog is worth considerably more than $50 per month.
So I’m looking for five readers to commit to $10 per month, $120 per year, or more support to keep me within an affordable budget, while kicking the blog up to a server adequate for its needs. You can donate securely online or contact me for more information.
Thank you. With your help I can keep going strong with resources for Christian thinking.
Wow. I was stumped for a long time today, getting this blog properly transitioned to its new server. I apologize for the long downtime, which was my fault. Things should go more smoothly now, though, than they have in a long time.
For those who know the language, I had forgotten about the database prefix setting that needed to be updated in wp-config. I was tearing my hair out—not to mention the three hours of meetings I had to go to elsewhere. Thank God he led me to the right answer (and yes, for you skeptics, I do give God credit 🙂 .)