Featuring New Christian Blogs in 2012

It’s December, which means it’s time for my third annual New Christian Blogs feature. I’ve had a great time with this the past two years, getting to know new bloggers and spreading the word to others.

If you or someone you know has started up a Christian blog in 2012, please leave a comment here with a link to one great post from there this year. I’ll link to all new Christian blogs and write featured reviews on several of them in January.

I’m administratively challenged, so I have some simple requests that will make it a lot easier for me.

  1. Please leave your blog information in a comment here on this thread. I will not keep track of any blogs mentioned anywhere else.
  2. To be more specific, if you decide to use Facebook to inform me of a new blog, that information will simply fade off into electronic oblivion.
  3. Please include a link to a specific blog post. I will only review your blog if you point me to an entry you want me to check out. (It’s not easy to review an entire blog without some recommended starting point, and since I expect to do a lot of these, I need you to help me out that way.)

If the blog began before January 1 of this year, there’s room for some grace. This really is for newer blogs, though, and I don’t mean just new to me, but actually new. It’s also strictly for recognizably Christian blogs, and of course I have to reserve the right to decide what and what not to feature.

So send those links. I look forward to hearing from you!




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22 Responses

  1. Duke Taber says:

    Unfortunately I started in 2011 but you and the fellow bloggers that come here might benefit from this category on my site all the same. 29 articles on Christian blogging tips.

  2. Clinton says:

    I actually started my blog in July of 2012, Pro-Life Philosophy. Here’s a link to an article on my blog:


  3. Tom Gilson says:

    Thanks, Clinton!

  4. Marc Gaerlan says:

    I started A Ground Floor View this year. It’s mission is to share the truth of the Gospel, share who Jesus was/is and proclaim the Christian worldview.

  5. Neo says:

    Although neither was started by me, I know some of the people behind two new blogs discussing Christianity and homosexuality. I think they’re both great:



  6. Marc Gaerlan says:

    Even though I placed it in the website field when posting, I guess I should have included it in the comment section too. Sorry.


  7. Tom Gilson says:

    Hi, Marc. Do you have a particular blog post you’d like me to take a look at? Thanks.


  8. Tim Evko says:

    http://www.Thefaithnews.com was started on Oct. 1st of 2012, check it out! We’re also looking for new writers

  9. Marc Gaerlan says:

    Hi Tom,
    The most popular post–by far–has been “Letter To An Atheist”, so that would be the one I would probably suggest. My personal favorite is probably “Finding Jesus.. Loving Neighbors and Enemies”

    Thank you!


  10. Tracy says:


    I started my blog in January. My aim is to read through the Bible and make notes so it usually only gets interesting when I run into some popular passages or get into commentary on social issues.

    My personal favorite is my comparison of Hebrew and foreign slaves in the Pentateuch but for some reason I have not discovered, my post on the swoon theory continues to be the most popular.

    Thanks for doing this, by the way.

  11. Josh Fults says:

    My blog, “Walk Good” has been chugging along for a little over a year. It is based out of Ephesians 5:15. It covers apologetics, marriage, and culture.

    Here is a recent apologetics post, which I usually do on Wednesdays.


    Thanks for doing stuff like this friend!

  12. Chris says:


    I started blogging in the past 2-3 months. You can find me at sometimeshope.wordpress.com. This blog has four primary themes:

    1) Building a community around dealing with epilepsy and autism in the midst of real life

    2) Learning together how to find God in the midst of disappointment and pain

    3) Sharing best parenting practices

    4) Applying Scripture to our daily lives

    The specific blog post I would point you toward is found here: http://sometimeshope.wordpress.com/2012/11/21/god-doesnt-really-meanwait-what-does-it-say-in-the-greek/

  13. J.R. Morales says:

    How about… in Spanish? 😉

    I started mine in June 29th, 2012 because of the ridiculously minimal apologetic resources in Spanish. I’ve found that this is a bigger need that anticipated – getting visits from all over Latin America and Europe.

    Just in case you feel like flexing your Spanish muscle, Tom, a link to the Moral Argument of God’s existence:


    God bless and thank you for inspiring me in what I do, sir!

  14. Tom Gilson says:

    Hi, Tim Evko. Do you have a particular blog post you’d like me to look at? Thanks.

  15. Started my blog a month or so ago. Endtimestavern.com. But I’m having trouble linking to a specific post. But all posts are short and easy to read.

  16. Jason says:

    Very nice blog Tom, i have a post i think a lot of Christians should read about which is on “Eastern Star.” My blog focus on exposing the Devil cause that is what God gave me to do so that is what i shall do! Here is the link to the post


  17. Matt Walker says:

    Hey Tom!

    Its great to hear that you’re still posting these new blogs up. You actually featured my previous blog in 2010, Missiologist.com. But, since then I have launched a ministry, Anchor Apologetics. Most of the Missiologist posts have been moved to this new site, and I have been writing ever since, as well as, building my ministry. The site, not the ministry, was launched this year (the ministry was launched almost two years ago).

    Two of my more popular posts are: Christianity in the Real World http://anchorapologetics.com/2012/09/24/how-to-be-a-christian-in-the-real-world/ and Should Alcohol Be Allowed in the Church? http://anchorapologetics.com/2012/09/28/qc001-should-alcohol-be-allowed-in-the-church/

    I pray that you’re doing really well, Tom. I’m continually praying for you, your family, and your ministry, brother.

  18. Hey, Tom, thanks for this opportunity! I started blogging last March. I am trying to focus on the intersection of pop culture and faith, predominantly as it impacts a teenage/young adult audience, by reviewing the worldviews in popular books, movies and other forms of entertainment.

    Here is a link to the most popular post so far: http://empiresandmangers.blogspot.com/2012/04/bumper-sticker-logic.html.

    Here is a link to a recent book review: http://empiresandmangers.blogspot.com/2012/12/the-mortal-instruments.html.


  19. God bless you, and thanks so much for your review. My blog’s called “Daddy’s Girl” and it started Nov. 10, 2012. I desire to bless God by telling everyone about the inner workings of His tender heart, which He longs to reveal to us. He’s been so maligned. He just wants everyone to know that intimate relationship IS POSSIBLE with the God of the Universe. I’m reveling in spreading this word. Bless you. Here’s the link to one post called, “Daddy’s Definition of ‘Glory'”.


  20. Jennifer says:

    I’m part of a blogging team for an online bible study ministry that launched in May of this year. Would that type of blog be eligible?

  21. Tom Gilson says:

    Probably… 🙂

  22. its a very new blog I just started it in October so there are not a lot of posts but you can start from