What Works in the Gay “Marriage” Conflict

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5 Responses

  1. BACH says:

    You’re right, Tom—this is indeed a time for courage, love, and faith. But by posting this, it seems that you agree with Maggie Gallagher’s conclusion. In light of the wider historical scope of this issue: do you feel that the currents of “stigma and hatred” have truly flowed primarily against Maggie, yourself, & other SSM opponents rather than the other way ’round?

  2. Crude says:

    There’s not much of a ‘wider historical scope’ of this issue, since the conception of same sex attraction as not only an identity itself, but an identity which required sanctification with gay marriage, is very modern. There are plenty of anti-SSA idiots who have done wretched things, they should be condemned. If the idea is “That justifies the current behavior”, be ready for when the pendulum eventually swings back – and whether in 10 years or 100, it will.

    Anyway, Tom, glad to see you continuing to focus on this issue, and with a level head. It’s important for a number of reasons. Incidentally, have you seen Leah Libresco’s ongoing conversion story? Hers will be an interesting case to watch, to see if her thoughts on gay marriage or SSA change at all.

  3. Crude says:

    Also, I really have to say…

    For example, once we accept gay marriage, might we also agree that marrying before having children is a vital cultural value that all of us should do more to embrace? Can we agree that, for all lovers who want their love to last, marriage is preferable to cohabitation? Can we discuss whether both gays and straight people should think twice before denying children born through artificial reproductive technology the right to know and be known by their biological parents?

    That right there, that I just quoted? That is hopelessly, ridiculously naive in my view. And I am nothing short of amazed that a man could be (valiantly, I say that on your endorsement Tom) at the forefront of the fight against Gay Marriage, and think most of what he listed will be an area of common ground.

    He came just shy of saying something along the lines of, “Can all of us – whether pro- or anti- gay marriage – agree that, whether gay or straight, it is vastly preferable to wait until marriage before having sex?” But I suspect that even he knew how that would sound.

  4. Djboo says:

    Let’s us stand for what the bible Says.

    It’s by grace through faith we are saved.
    Let’s share grace to our gay brothers and sisters. Let’s share them what the Truth really is.

    God bless you.

  5. BACH says:

    I should’ve responded to this all sooner, but I would just like to point out the following:

    1) You didn’t actually answer my question though. I think it’s a real weakness that opponents of SSM don’t seem to be able authentically engage the reality of how poorly self-proclaimed Christians have treated LGBT people. To say that such acts “should be condemned” without calling for genuine Christian repentance (which involves hard work, hard conversations, and a whole truckload of grace) seems to be missing the mark.

    2) It seems important to point out that I am indeed an advocate for SSM and I would absolutely agree that the things you skeptically quote from Blankenhorn ARE very much areas of common ground between Mr. Blankenhorn & myself. And I know a great many of my Christian friends who would absolutely agree as well.