Today I am at last finishing my series on new Christian blogs in 2011, with another six excellent blogs.
Randy Everist is a frequent co-participant in the Christian Apologetics Alliance. His blog at Possible Worlds expresses his deep interest in theology and philosophy, as witnessed by his current critique of skeptic Michael Shermer (very effective), two recent posts on the Resurrection, a Brief Objection with respect to the Problem of Evil, and an offering on Beliefs, Free Will, and God.
He covers much the same ground that interests me, and he does it well, which means that if you have my blog bookmarked, you should have his, too. (And vice versa, I hope some readers of his blog will think!)
Stephen McAndrew is also a Christian Apologetics Alliance participant. He’s the author of Why It Doesn’t Matter What You Believe If It’s NotTrue, and he blogs at the intriguingly titled Songs of a Semi-Free Man. Not a frequent blogger, he is nevertheless thoughtful, as in his recent writings on truth, trust, and society. The blog entry he listed as one of his favorites for last year was simply titled Good. “Why do we care if we are good?” he asks. “Why do we act as if there is some standard of good to be met?… What does all of this tell us?”
Who said religion couldn’t be a polite topic of conversation? So asks Julio Ibanez at A Civil Discussion, who describes himself,
I am an armchair Christian apologist who is in no way qualified to be hosting such a discussion. However, given the toxicity of the political climate in which we live, I feel I have no choice but to speak up and initiate an alternate dialogue, one born of mutual respect and hopefully lacking in enmity.
I think he accomplishes that admirably.
I really wish it were easier to work past the Google Translate issues at the Finnish blog “Faith, Reason, and Philosophy.” As far as I can follow it, it looks superb. I know some readers of this blog live in Finland (I spent a couple marvelous weeks there in 1980–what a beautiful country!), so I’m definitely going to recommend it to you. Others ought to at least give it a try.
Timothy Gray Muse, former Top Gun F-14 pilot, now a pastor in Mississippi, writes of All Things Reformed, a strong pastoral mix of biblical foundations and cultural awareness.
Vicky blogs For Love of the Journey… “and the One who walks with me in it.” Her offerings are biblically rich and consistently connected to real-life situations.
And last but most definitely not least, for all the book lovers among us, Books On Trial From a Christian Perspective. The blogger, Becca-ellen, has an eclectic reading list, and sound insights on the books she reviews.
Thanks for the mentioning Songs of a Semi-Free Man!
Thanks for highlighting my blog, Tom!
Tom, thanks so much for the highlight of Possible Worlds. You and the other CAA/ABA guys/ladies do so much for the cause of Christ! 🙂
Thanks for the plug! I couldn’t figure out why my numbers shot up yesterday until I came across this.
Love your apologetic writing! Keep up the good fight!!!