Somebody emailed me recently to say,
… You cowards keep on hiding behind your website cover and your mythical god…
The sender used a pseudonym.
Thinking Christian
Somebody emailed me recently to say,
… You cowards keep on hiding behind your website cover and your mythical god…
The sender used a pseudonym.
Busted. I always knew “Tom Gilson” was an alias. What’s your real name? Bono? Neville? Queequeg? It’s only a matter of time before you let it slip.
Angry much?
Someone might be. The rest of the email went like this:
The ellipsis at the end there was in the original, and it was the end of the message.
I’m sure there are topics on which Gregory Paul could defeat me in debate. I’m sure there are some in which I could defeat him. That’s of no consequence; we all have strong and weak areas.
All I’ve said about him, in articles here and comments elsewhere, is that one particular journal article he wrote, claiming that Christian countries are less moral than other countries, is of no scientific value. The journal in which he published it even seems to have acknowledged that fact: they published a strong rebuttal shortly after.
I’m sure Gregory S. Paul is highly intelligent. I have no animosity toward the man. I know God loves him infinitely, as he also loves the person who sent me this email. I pray they both sleep well, to borrow the thought that was expressed toward me, and I pray that they both discover God’s love for real.
Note to “TruthOverFaith:”
I am sorry for whatever it was that you’ve experienced, heard, been told, or whatever it is that led to the kind of anger you apparently feel. I could not release your comment from moderation because I’m committed to remaining consistent with my comment guidelines, linked just above the comment box. Realize that I do not block disagreements or disputes.
I wonder what the emailer meant by “you cowards”, since initially the email seems directed to Tom. Does the emailer mean all Christians? This is indeed an irony considering Dawkins’ refusal to debate William Lane Craig.
What is it that the e-mailer believes we fear?
Gregory S. Paul writes:
Is this the Gregory Paul the emailer is referring to?
See also here for previous mentions on this website.
I thought ID was religious nonsense?