From Chuck Colson, speaking about the September 24 “Doing the Right Thing” Simulcast, which I attended along with my pastor:
Francis Schaeffer once said Americans have to learn to act as missionaries in their own culture. If you’re a missionary, you learn the language of the people in the mission field. Many of us spend most of our time in church at Bible study but never figure out how to relate what we learn to the culture, or to even understand the culture in the first place. This series teaches us how to do that, and does it effectively.
[From A Movement Has Begun]
Which series is that? Hold on, I’ll answer that in a moment. First I want you to know that if you act quickly enough you can get a two-DVD video recording of this fantastic four-hour event for only $7.95 (no one’s making any money on a deal like that)!
The movement of which Chuck Colson was speaking is groups learning and teaching the new series on ethics, culture, and worldview, Doing the Right Thing, released just in the last few months by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Check out the trailer!
Featured onstage in this rather blurry photo from my phone, left to right, are Eric Metaxas, author of the recent major Bonhoeffer biography; Mike Miller of Acton Institute, my friend John Stonestreet of Summit Ministries and The Point Radio ; Del Tackett, the original leader of the Truth Project; and Chuck Colson of BreakPoint/The Colson Center. Later in the morning Robert George, professor at Princeton University, joined the group.