Hurricane Irene Update

Hurricane Irene had very little impact here at our home. We are very grateful, and yet very concerned for friends nearby. This power outage map is a kind of proxy map of hurricane damage. You’ll see that York County was relatively spared, for reasons we do not know. Some of that map area in our county is undeveloped forest land, but not all of it. We never lost power, phone, or cable. Maximum winds at the airport near here reached 40 mph sustained, with gusts to 60 mph. We got a lot of rain. But it was considerably less than the 45-55 mph winds, gusting to 70-75, that had been predicted.

Thank you for your prayers. There are a lot of others who still need them.

[Update 9/3: the power outage map has been updated daily since the storm, and no longer conveys the picture I was referring to above.]

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