“Edward Feser: Why are (some) physicists so bad at philosophy?”

Amen and right on!

Philosophers and theologians are constantly told that they need to “learn the science” before commenting on quantum mechanics, relativity, or Darwinism. And rightly so. Yet too many scientists refuse to “learn the philosophy” before pontificating on the subject. The results are predictably sophomoric.

[From Edward Feser: Why are (some) physicists so bad at philosophy?]

Read the whole article, which, by the way, you need not be a physicist or philosopher to follow. (If you can grasp that something ≠ nothing, you’re fully up to speed.) There’s a world of insight there on today’s version of the supposed conflict between Christianity and science. Some people who are terribly bright in their own spheres make some of the most obvious mistakes when they step outside their disciplines.

Related: The Ph.D Who Studied Nothing At All

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1 Response

  1. February 13, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tom Samuel and Apologetics 315, Tom Gilson. Tom Gilson said: Thinking Christian “Edward Feser: Why are (some) physicists so bad at philosophy?”: Amen and right on! Philosoph… http://bit.ly/gBzWUD […]