Christian Carnival for 11/10/10

It’s my privilege this week to present the Christian Carnival. It’s all good stuff this week, so here we go:

Michelle tells us more from Haiti: They Played Happy Birthday to the Dead. It’s posted at And She Went Out….

My own Thinking Christian blog tells of a challenging but inspiring encounter with a Rwandan prison minister: Hearts and Bodies Healed in Rwanda.

FMF presents The Bible’s Suggestion for How to Become Wealthy posted at Free Money Finance. Is this the way to become wealthy?

Nothing stirs the pot like the word “tithe.” Jason asks, what do you think about tithing? It’s at What Should a Christian Think About “Tithing”? posted at One Money Design.

Walking in Faith
Brandon Peters presents Taking Steps of Faith with Christ posted at INSPIKS. During baptism classes there was a gentleman who warned everyone in the room that we are taking a step of faith and when we take steps of faith often the devil will try and attack us in someway. I never really gave it much thought, but when my parents got divorced a couple of month’s later, things became all too real.

Kaleb presents Evolution: Blind Faith? posted at W2W Soul. Atheists commonly say that it takes blind faith to believe in a Creator. I believe it takes more faith to believe otherwise. The human body is an amazing piece of work. Many scientists, through studying the complexity of the human anatomy, confess the existence of a Creator due to its intricate intelligent design.

Salt and Light In Our Culture
Actually, how not to be salt and light. A book review from Shannon Christman, On Deadly Detours, posted at The Minority Thinker.

Ridge Burns discusses The Fourth Commandment at Ridge’s Blog: how do we honor our fathers and mothers in today’s world?

Jeremy Pierce muses over the idea, Is Obama the Leopard King?It’s posted at Parableman.

Dan Lower presents “You’re Going to Hell” posted at keyboard theologians. What impact does it make to have someone in your life who thinks you are going to hell? Good question.

Kathryn Lang presents three tips to help us Develop an Authentic Prayer Life posted at The Peculiar Life.

Knowing and Showing the Truth
A question from Sarah on what happens right when a believer dies: Calling All Theoblogians #9 posted at This is what Sed said.

Scottyi asks—and provides some thoughtful insight—on Isn’t Christianity a Slave Religion? It’s at Sacred Raisin Cakes.

Russ White presents The Diversity Game. This one isn’t about cultural/social diversity, but biodiversity, and the thinking surrounding it. It’s posted at Thinking in Christ.

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