You’ll find out tomorrow.
Thinking Christian
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Some books reviewed on this blog are attached to my account with Amazon’s affiliate marketing program, and I receive a small percentage of revenue from those sales.
All content copyright © Thomas Gilson as of date of posting except as attributed to other sources. Permissions information here.
You and your wife are expecting? It is the Harvest Moon, ya know…
Not likely. We’ve been around a little too long for that.
Like… ummm… Abraham and Sarah?
By the way, “not likely” is not “no”.
Well, then, just No 🙂 .
I hope to have the real update here by mid-afternoon.
My guess is it has something to do with writing a book.
My latest blog post links to the story. What it doesn’t convey is how much it took in the past two to three weeks to get to this point. It’s been a very busy run. But satisfying.