Try This Fascinating Matching Game!

All figures refer to the United States unless otherwise specified.

Main Section
A1. Amount spent on entertainment and recreation

A2. Amount spent on state lottery tickets

A3. Amount spent on pets

A4. Amount spent on jewelry

A5. Amount given to all overseas ministries (denominational, interdenominational, independent)

A6. Amount required to lift the world’s poorest one billion people out of extreme poverty

A7. Additional amount required to supply primary education to every child in the world

A8. Amount required to bring clean water to most of the world’s poor

A9. Additional amount required to provide basic health and nutrition for everyone in the world

AA. $65 billion

AB. $6 billion

AC. $58 billion

AD. $65 billion

AE. $31 billion

AF. $13 billion

AG. $705 billion

AH. $5 billion

AI. $9 billion

Bonus Section 1
B1. Percent of American households who tithe

B2. Percent of American evangelicals who tith

B3. Percent of church revenues sent to overseas missions

BA. 5%

BB. 2%

BC. 24%

Bonus Section 2
C1. Additional money that would be given if all American churchgoers tithed

C2. Total U.S. government foreign assistance budget

C3. Amount that would be left over if all American churchgoers tithed; and if that money were used to eliminate the most extreme poverty on the planet for a billion people, provide universal primary education, bring clean water to most of the world, and provide basic health and nutrition for everyone in the world

CA. $39.5 billion

CB. $168 billion

CC. $75 billion

Wasn’t that fun? Well, maybe not. You don’t have to know anything at all to see that the answer to C3 is at least $39.5 billion. Maybe more. If American churchgoers all tithed, we could do all that completely independent of government.

Answers to be provided no later than June 27 (now posted here).

Source: The Hole in Our Gospel: What Does God Expect of Us? The Answer That Changed My Life and Might Just Change the World by Richard Stearns, pp. 216-218

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2 Responses

  1. Tom Gilson says:

    I’m sorry I missed my own June 20 deadline for providing the answers. I’m out of town now without the source material, so it will be a few more days yet.

  2. Tom Gilson says:

    Finally: The answers.