So Great Faith

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7 Responses

  1. Joe Carter says:

    What?! Crediting my boss with my work. C’mon, man, how long have we known each other. ; )

  2. Tom Gilson says:

    I am so completely sorry!

    Here’s the deal. (Will you accept this?) It was the first time I’ve ever tried posting a blog from my Droid Eris phone. It’s a bit hard to jump back and forth between screens and check what you’re doing.

    And now that I’m viewing it on my computer, I discover that the error message my phone gave me about being unable to connect and upload the post was not quite accurate. Hence the four identical copies of the post that were here until just now.

    But it’s not the phone’s fault, it’s mine. Thanks for being gracious about it!

  3. Holopupenko says:


    Have you read some of the comments on the article by atheists. Un-[blank]-ly, unbelievably inane! Atheism is a direct and intentional violation of the First Commandment. Given that sin dehumanizes us (weakens our human nature, meaning it eats away at our capacities for reason and free will), atheism dehumanizes the very adherents that promulgate it and so viciously respond to reason. I’m not even sure I can agree with some of the points of Hart’s article any more: I’m not sure there ever was a thinking atheist. Hart is right on one thing: skepticism for the sake of skepticism or atheism for the sake of atheism is a major problem. If either of these were ordered to (or at least striving toward) truth, I’d be much more at ease. Sadly, most if not all indications (echoing Hart) from the New Atheists is the opposite: anti-reason.

  4. Tom Gilson says:

    The atheists’ responses there are indeed appalling (at least the first several of them, I didn’t read them all)—not in that they say things I disagree with (I’m accustomed enough to that), but that they are so grievously thoughtless.

    I’m eagerly awaiting Jason’s response to Joe’s simple yet telling question.

    Regarding Hart, see this also from Joe Carter. (Joe, I double-checked 🙂 ).

  5. SteveK says:

    Oh boy, the comments there are unreal. So many unwilling to discuss the substance.

  6. Joe Carter says:

    Ah, I’m just giving you a hard time, Tom. Keep up the great work. Your blog continues to be one of my favorites.

  7. Tom Gilson says:

    Thanks, Joe. A word like that makes it almost worth making a dummy of myself!