Final Four Again!

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5 Responses

  1. brgulker says:

    I am truly surprised. I’ve thought they were overrated all season, but they’ve found a way to come together in this Tournament. Anything can happen at this point.

  2. SteveK says:

    As I watched live, I questioned the strategy of the intentionally-missed free throw. I was thinking “what in the world are they doing!?” In the end, though, I thought it was the right decision.

  3. Tom Gilson says:

    Tennessee only had one time out left, which they had to use right away when they rebounded that missed free throw. If he had sunk the free throw they would have had five seconds to inbound it. The clock doesn’t start until someone touches the ball once it’s thrown in. They could have tossed it to midcourt, called time out there, and then inbounded it to an alley-oop that takes no time at all. Or drawn a foul in the process of trying. Instead they had to use their one time out at the far end of the court, where none of that kind of strategy was possible.

    Tom Izzo knows basketball.

  4. Bilbo says:


    You’re not a Michigander, are you?

  5. Tom Gilson says:

    Sure enough. Born and raised there, and graduated from Michigan State.