There’s a new experiment in dialogue under way: Discussion Grounds, with the subtitle, “Disciplined Debate on Religion and Related Matters.” This week Luke Muehlhauser, “Common Sense Atheist,” and I have begun a discussion on a website designed to foster better focus than most blogs usually have. You’ll want to read the “Ground Rules” to get a sense of what that means.
Discussion Grounds was an idea I had a year or so ago, but it stayed on the back burner until Luke contacted me by email several weeks ago. Not knowing about Discussion Grounds, he was proposing we use our blogs for this conversation. He has graciously agreed to undertake this experiment with me instead; for Discussion Grounds is indeed an experiment. I don’t know of any other website that’s run exactly this way, and time will tell how well it works. Please come over and read, and then join in the conversation!
Tom, this is an interesting idea. I will keep my eye on it.
Off topic, but related to your recent posts, a Christian theistic evolution scientist will be discussing Stephen Meyer’s new book on the Jesus Creed blog. I am often a lonely voice sympathetic to ID. I would love to hear your comments there.
The second post in the intro series is here:
EnJoying Luke’s discussion with Vox Day over at Vox populi blog! (^_^)