Closing (?) Word to Nick Matzke

Following a really quite interesting report on his recent time with Richard Dawkins and others in Oklahoma, Nick Matzke wrote this additional on Panda’s Thumb:

I just had this same morality cause/justification debate over here with an evangelical, I’m not particularly inspired to do it again.[…]hitler-link/

I appreciate the mention there. For the record, though, I would point out that the debate has been left hanging. There are several critical areas of discussion to which Matzke hasn’t responded. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything against Nick Matzke; there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with pulling out of a blog discussion when one decides to do so. But I wouldn’t want it to be thought that he has “had this … debate” in the sense of having brought it to anything like a conclusion.

For my part, in spite of this and in spite of our plain disagreement on several points, I’ve found it to be a very stimulating discussion. By the way, Nick, the two books you suggested I read on evolutionary ethics–I’ve obtained both of them, and I’m several hundred pages into the reading. I’d be curious to know how much you’ve read of any books (or even the one article I linked to repeatedly) presenting a theistic ethical position. I’m a great believer in reading the other side of the issue.

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1 Response

  1. Claudia says:

    I guess I jumped into this “discussion” in the middle, but caught this:
    Nick (Matzke) said:

    “Yeah, we know stuff exists obviously. We don’t know ultimately why it started to exist, or why it continues to exist from second to second. It could just be that it just does and that’s it. It could be that does because someone/something else makes it do so.”

    What is there to debate here? Either you believe God and his Word, or you don’t. Belief versus unbelief.