Not that you’ll have much luck reading this…

… but I’m on the phone with tech support trying to solve the problem with this web site loading so slowly right now.

Update 10:00 pm Eastern Time: It’s solved, except that some functionality will be turned off until sometime tomorrow at least.

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2 Responses

  1. Either your web host has oversold (most of them do) which can bog down the servers from time to time, or someone sharing your server is getting an unusually large amount of web traffic, or someone is doing some sort of dos attack against the server you are on. Typically, users experience problems because of #1. What usually gets hit the hardest from that is the database. HTML only sites won’t have quite so much trouble. Alas, WordPress is not HTML only. 🙂 Even with a lot of caching it still needs a speedy database.

  2. As promised….if you can find it!!!