New on the Blogroll: “Tritone Life”

Thinking Christian
Thinking Christian
New on the Blogroll: "Tritone Life"

Tritone Life: “Christ in the dissonance of my culture, mind, and senses,” it says.

What in the world is a tritone? It’s the musical interval between (for example) a B natural and an F natural, a dissonance that begs for resolution when the two notes are sounded together (example–courtesy of Wikipedia). It has been called the “Devil’s Interval,” not because of any evil connections, but because it’s devilishly difficult to sing two notes a tritone apart and get them both right on pitch. There is something about it, though… listen to this diminished seventh chord, four notes in interlaced tritones, and you’ll recognize it as the standard (clichéd, actually) “something-awful-is-about-to-happen-in-a-horror-movie” sound.

Enough music theory. What I like about Tritone Life is that one author is a poet, the other is a musician, they employ art generously on their site, and they both recognize the dissonance of life and that Christ is there in it with us.

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