Though We Want To Trust

In Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith We Defend, edited by Ravi Zacharias, Danielle DuRant writes of an all-too-familiar experience for Christians (p. 285):

We want to trust that God is good and will never leave us or forsake us, yet sometimes we dare not bank our lives on this for fear of disappointment.

I recognize this in myself, in my unwillingness to follow God wherever he leads, or to pray courageous prayers, the kind that won’t come to pass unless God truly makes them come to pass. This is not the whole story of my Christian life, certainly, and I have seen God answer significant prayers. But sometimes I hold back. What if God fails to show up, after all?

But what am I protecting here? Am I guarding God from the possibility that he might fail to come through? God doesn’t need that kind of help from me. A deeper, fuller trust in God would fling itself upon the possibility of failure, knowing that God will make the catch every time.

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