Christian Carnival CCXXXIX

Welcome to Christian Carnival CCXXXIX: The Corrected Roman Numeral Edition, August 27, 2008. I have just been informed of my error in counting! No longer can I lay claim to hosting the longest Roman numeral short of 288. Oh well. My apologies to Raffi. And here we go:

Kay Martin presents Blessings and Blisterings posted at Thrive Christians.

Chasing the Wind presents Heart of Compassion, Hands of Care posted at Chasing the Wind, saying, “I met Sister Freda while on a mission trip to Kenya, and found her to be the most amazing, compassionate, Christian woman I’ve ever met. Now there’s a book about her and her ministry.”

Rodney Olsen presents Replacing our families with faith posted at The Journey – Life : Faith : Family.

Chasing the Wind presents Almost Persuaded posted at Chasing the Wind, saying, “Being “almost persuaded” to accept Christ is like Christ “almost” dying for your sins. A study of Acts 24-26.”

Minister Mamie L. Pack presents How’s your picture? posted at The Life I Now Live.

John presents Frank Schaeffer’s “Evangelicals Strike . . .” vs. Reality posted at Brain Cramps for God, saying, “An attempt to pull some depth out of a shallow pool”

Joshua Lake presents Flights and Anxiety posted at Quieted Waters.

Drew Tatusko presents Adultery, Friendship, and Boundaries posted at Notes From Off-Center, saying, “Can an emotional relationship be considered adultery? I think the answer is a resounding yes. One argument is biblical, the other argument is psycho-social. Both arguments are distinct, but intimately related here in terms of Christian praxis

ChristianPF presents “In God we trust” on our bills? posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “Looking at whether or not “In God we trust” should stay on our money”

Ross Willingham presents Seashells On The Mountain posted at

Richard H. Anderson presents Parable of the Unjust Steward posted at dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos, saying, “Richard offers a new interpretation of parable.”

Kathryn Lang presents Just Turn Around posted at Living the Proverbs 31 Life, saying, “Some random thoughts about getting it all right.”

Frances presents Polygamy posted at Christianity Lived Out, saying, “Some thoughts on the Christian response to polygamy.”

Chris Brooks presents Abortion and the Breath of Life posted at Homeward Bound, saying, “Addressing the claim that Gen 2:7 says a fetus isn’t human until it breaths.”

Fiona Veitch Smith presents Democracy Rules – OK? posted at Fiona Veitch Smith, saying, “How our obsession with the democratic ideal reflects a deeper spiritual yearning.”

Peter presents Personal Finance Bible Verse of the Day: Worry no more posted at Bible Money Matters, saying, “Don’t worry – God will provide!”

Christy Lockstein presents The Painter from Shanghai posted at Christy’s Book Blog.

Michael Snyder presents 15 Things That Are Wrong With America posted at The Moral Collapse Of America.

Tiffany Partin presents Balance posted at Fathom Deep: Sounding the Depths of God.

Jeremy Pierce presents Christian Political Participation posted at Parableman, saying, “why Christians ought to participate politically.”

Paul Kuritz presents Humility: The Key to the Kingdom, posted at Opinions.

Weekend Fisher presents Gnostic Gospels and Canonical Gospels: Assessment of Jewish Context, posted at Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength, saying, “When asked to defend why the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John made the canon of Scripture but the Gnostic Gospels did not, are we ready to answer? One measurable difference between the canonical gospels and the Gnostic gospels turns up in the most obvious of places: is Jesus Jewish?”

Barbara Sanders presents Wireless Communication at Tidbits and Treasures: “Prayer is the free wireless communication we have.”

John at Light Along the Journey asks, “What does the Christian do with the decision to take medicine for depression or anxiety? For a family physician’s perspective you can read John’s post this week titled Should I Pop a Pill or Say a Prayer?

My own entry from Thinking Christian is a book review on William Lane Craig’s Reasonable Faith

And finally, Rey at the Bible Archive blog offers something admittedly off-topic, “but,” he says, “it might be helpful for the rest of the webgeeks in the Christian Carnival:” 25 Must-Have Firefox Add-Ons.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Christian Carnival using our Carnival submission form.

Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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5 Responses

  1. Kathryn says:

    Thanks for the carnival – I’m enjoying some sites I might not otherwise have discovered.

  2. ChristianPF says:

    Thanks for the mention!! It looks like a good carnival!!

  3. Hey, I thought I had CCXXXVIII?!?!

    LOL. It’s such a fun number, it should have two runs.

    Grace and Peace,

  4. Tom Gilson says:

    Aagh. I went back through the list and thought 237 was last week! Sorry. Amends will be made.

  1. September 5, 2008

    […] public links >> strike Christian Carnival CCXXXVIII First saved by lailakhartshauser | 1 days ago Shadowrun First saved by Jen6661 | 21 days […]