“The Coming Persecution”

From Charles Colson:

It is all about equal rights, the gay “marriage” lobby keeps telling us. We just want the right to marry, like everyone else.

That is what they are telling us. But that is not what they mean. If same-sex “marriage” becomes the law of the land, we can expect massive persecution of the Church.

[Link: The Coming Persecution – Prison Fellowship]

This is not just theory; it’s cropping up already in big and small ways all over North America. Is this the end for the First Amendment in the U.S., and for religious freedom in Canada?

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1 Response

  1. Jim J says:

    If it’s about equality, then the onus is on the gay “marriage” lobby to show how heterosexuality and homosexuality are EQUAL. Christians need to focus on the irrefutable inequality of the two sexualites, or the gay lobby will succeed in convincing the majority of their argument without having to show their homework.