PETA is based not far from here, in Norfolk, Virginia. A few years ago their director, Ingrid Newkirk, wrote a letter to the editor responding to a guest column I’d written. She was objecting to the way I had referenced her infamous phrase, “A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.” As I recall, I interpreted it at face value: that she thinks there is no essential difference between them all. She said I had misunderstood it. But now look at this from PETA, defending their absolutely reprehensible ad campaign for sterilizing pets.
“It’s irresponsible to let your children have unprotected sex and it’s irresponsible to not spay and neuter your animals when we’re in an animal overpopulation crisis in the United Sates.”
Teen sex (unprotected, of course) and pet reproduction are morally equivalent? No difference, says PETA. They’re on pretty much the same plane. And a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. All of which is a rather mundane, logical conclusion to draw from the premise of undirected Darwinian evolution, by the way.
That’s not even the worst of this ad campaign, but the rest is too obvious to dwell on here. It’s described well enough in the following link. I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of a more outrageous commercial message. If shows in your market, I urge you quite soberly to call the TV station and scream.
At the same time, grieve. Grieve for those who don’t know what it means fully to be human. And pray that they might discover it while they can.
[Link: – PETA Expands Ad Campaign That Uses Teen Pregnancy to Push Pet Message]Hat Tip: The Point
You cant compare humans with animals in such a bad manner and instead of making these statements you need to make plans to curb this evil.