More Literal Than I Realized

One of the web stats services I use is StatCounter. They were down this weekend, and when they returned they posted this:

Due to an explosion in The Planet Datacenter at the weekend, service on this partition was interrupted. Depsite our best efforts 24 to 30 hours of stats
spread across Sunday GMT and some of Monday morning have been lost. We sincerely apologise for this. More information is available from our blog.

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3 Responses

  1. Hi Tom,
    I came across your post and just want to apologise again for the disruption and inconvenience.
    We are dreadfully sorry that this happened and really appreciate the understanding and patience that has been demonstrated by so many of our members.
    All partitions are tracking again but, should you have any ongoing issues you would like to report, please do so in our forum and we will investigate asap:
    Many thanks.

  2. Tom Gilson says:

    Thanks, Jen, but there’s nothing you need to apologize for. It certainly wasn’t StatCounter’s fault! I’m sure your life was very hectic for a while, and I hope things have settled down for all of you again.

  3. emmzee says:

    Wow, I used to be hosted at The Planet (ServerMatrix) until last year when I moved to LiquidWeb. The Planet were quite reliable so it’s unfortunate to hear about this sort of incident. Hopefully they’re back on track now.