I can’t recall a time, other than during vacations, when I’ve had so little to write about on this blog as I have in the last week or two. The muse is stalled.
I think there are several reasons. One is that I haven’t actually been writing so little–the discussion here has been long and time-consuming. Ultimately it has been draining rather than productive, in my opinion and (see the second-to-last comment there) and others’ as well. I think it has kept me from other productive work. I take full responsibility for allowing it to do that to me.
And I’ve also been doing other productive work, at home and on the job, just not blogging. Our team has been working on an in-depth organizational assessment of the Jesus Film Project, and believe me, that’s no small job. (It has been a most pleasant experience, though!)
Usually, though, even when I’m doing those other kinds of things, my mind is toying with ideas to blog on, or I’m even writing ideas in my head. Not this time.
The Expelled controversy–especially, on this blog, the question of Darwin and Hitler–was intense. It’s natural to go through a letdown period after something like that.
Anyway, I’m hoping that just by reflecting on this I’ll kick loose the logjam and get things rolling again soon.