The veiled agenda of Intelligent Design bleeds through its empty rhetoric like a gushing chest wound staining a freshly bleached T-shirt. ID is a fascist politico-religious movement that masquerades as science and attempts to force a wedge between the scientific community and the wider culture. The ultimate goal of this wedgie is to establish a theocracy in which the Bible becomes federal law and the Biblical creation account in the book of Guinness is taught as fact.
You owe it to yourself to learn the truth about this menace! 😉
I’m well past the point where I bother reading anything that I know is going to be a waste of time (this is not a site I was familiar with). Glad I bucked the trend. If it wasn’t for your hint at humor, I’d have ignored it and missed several minutes of grins.
Its amazing how wrong someone can be -I always thought naively as it appears, that ID was about inferring design in nature -PERIOD, as opposed to imputing the layer upon layer of complexity we have recently uncovered, to the action of mutation and selection?
How wrong can I be ?
Furthermore, as an ID supporter,I apparently have fascist tendancies and am keen on setting up a theocracy -I didnt even know?!?
How can ID attempt to force a wedge between the scientific community and the wider culture-when the scientific community is made up of people who subscribe to a multitude of views including ID?
I guess its always a good idea to present the scientific community as one homologus job lot that believe the same things-it makes it easier when spining propaganda to keep it simple -demonise your opponent -the last bastion of the desperate.