Two Half-Miles!

I’ve had some time off from the office this week. That’s what I needed to be able to do something I haven’t done since I was half this age–swim a mile. Well, two half-miles, actually, and then some. I did 1000 yards on Wednesday and 900 this morning. At least it was all in one week. I’m pretty pleased with it, if I may say so myself–not bad for a 51-year-old.

Back in my mid-20s I did a mile swim once. Now I’m thinking I might be able to do it again before long.

Norwegian Tea-RingThis afternoon I’m doing some baking, another hobby of mine. The Norwegian tea-ring dough is rising as I write this. This is a real family holiday tradition that goes back as far as I can remember and then some.

When it’s done it should look something like this. Maybe I’ll put up a real picture of the one I’ve baked when it’s done. (Update 12/22: here it is.)

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1 Response

  1. SteveK says:

    That is an awesome feat, Tom! A half-mile swim seems like a loooonnnggg way to me. I’ll stick to doing a few laps in my backyard pool with the kids.

    While we’re on the subject of getting older and striving to exercise more…I decided to take up running this past year. I have always hated running, but my wife has done it all her life so I decided to give it an honest try at age 43 (now 44) and join her.

    After 2-months of running she asked me to run in a marathon with her. Being the good husband that I am, I said yes even though the longest run I made was 8-miles. Ain’t love grand? She ran by my side and coached me the entire way. Currently we are both training to run the race again this coming March – my second marathon and her 12th (or so, it seems).

    I see you put up a new picture too. Nice.