We need your prayers.
Late last month my book Critical Conversations: A Christian Parent’s Guide to Discussing Homosexuality With Teens was released by Kregel Publications. (If you’re a parent of teens or even pre-teens, I really think you need to read it.)
It’s a controversial topic. I haven’t seen a lot of pushback yet: just one blogger who said I was guilty of
- Fear of being homosexual
- Encouraging bullying
- Encouraging suicide
- Homophobia
- Not paying attention to the Bible on slavery
- Not really caring about divorce
- Not really caring about slavery
- Forgetting that God doesn’t hate
- Misunderstanding the Bible’s stance on homosexuality
- Not realizing that being gay isn’t a choice
Whew! That’s a lot to get wrong! If I had, that is. Ironically, she didn’t know that I had addressed all of these topics in my book. She hadn’t read the book. She assumed all the above. When I asked if she believes in stereotyping she didn’t answer.
It’s not surprising, though, in a world where all of the following can happen all in one week:
- Why North Carolina Got the ‘Bathroom Bill’ Right And the Transgender Lobby Gets It All Wrong
- Christianophobia is Big Business
- Oregon Commission Recommends Removing Judge Vance Day for Opting Not to Perform Same-Sex Weddings
- Georgia Governor Nathan Deal Caves on Defense of Religious Freedom
- North Carolina Bathroom Law Could Be Decided in Virginia
- $2M in Fees, Costs Awarded in Tennessee Gay Marriage Case
- Illinois inn fined $80,000 for refusing to host gay civil union ceremony
- Bill to allow clergy to refuse gay marriage fails in Tennessee House
- Virginia Governor Vetoes Bill Designed to Protect Gay Marriage Opponents
(Some of those links are straight news, some are news/commentary)
And my book has been out of stock at Amazon for over a week; they’re saying it will be one to three weeks before they can ship more.
Opposition? Pushback? We’re expecting it.
So please pray.
Pray for God’s guidance as I speak in multiple interviews (Here’s a direct link to one of them.) Pray that I could express both grace and truth. Pray that God would keep the pressure light and the pushback minimal. Pray that Amazon would catch up on inventory, and that many would buy it from there or elsewhere — not because I need to sell books, but because this is a resource for parents to help keep their kids in the faith.