Pastors’ Equipping Series: A Sample Sermon on Critical Race Theory

Updated: See the summary explainer article at The Stream!

Critical race theory: Could you preach on it in church? Teach it in a small group? How would you approach it? Should you even address it in church?

That last question calls for a definite answer yes. It’s too influential, and too much of a false gospel, to let your congregation try to sort it out on their own. Still, though, how would you preach on it?

Today at Thinking Christian, in cooperation with The Stream, with whom this work is being done in cooperation, we present a sample sermon for you to prep from. Hear it in audio, see below for an outline, and check out the expanded sermon notes on PDF here.

You’re free to use it all; that’s exactly what it’s for. We do ask that in your bulletin and online postings you give credit to Tom Gilson and to The Stream, with whom this work is being done in cooperation, with links both to The Stream and to this blog page.

This isn’t all we have to offer on the topic Please visit The Stream on or after the evening of October 1 (we’re still prepping things there!) for a one-page pastors’ explainer on critical race theory, with loads of links to additional information you can use. (I’ll update this page with link there when it’s ready.)

If you’re not a pastor, please consider yourself a member of the congregation listening and learning. You’re most welcome here! And then do please send this podcast to your pastor. There’ll be more like it to come!

Message Outline

A False Gospel

See Galatians 1:6-10

Paul’s anathema on false teaching and teachers

False Teaching Today

  • Critical race theory functions as a false gospel
  • What Does CRT Seek?
  • How Christianity Led the Way in Racial Harmony
    • .
      See Genesis 1:26-26; Galatians 3:26-28; Matthew 28:19
      See further Acts 10, Acts 15, Galatians 1 and 2
  • CRT’s answers to racism are wrong.

What is Critical Race Theory?

  • Academic Origins
  • Born of Impatience with the Civil Rights Movement
  • “Structural Racism”
    • .
      They’re not that clear what it means
    • As far as it’s clear, though, it’s also disturbing
  • “Whiteness” is the problem
  • Revolutionary Answers Called For

How It’s a False Gospel

Competing answers with Christianity on:

  • What is ultimate reality?
  • What does it mean to be human?
  • What is the ideal life we should strive for?
  • What is our basic human problem?
  • How is that basic human problem solved?

What Should a Christian Do?

  • Practical ministry in light of divisions over CRT

You have full permission to use this material in its entirety provided that you credit this blog page as your source, including links in any online version of your message based on this material.

Image Credit(s): Partial Credit to Ted Eytan.

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1 Response

  1. Ron Star says:

    Thanks, Tom, for informing all of us who has little knowledge of “Critical Race Theory”. I am not a pastor, but I do know a few pastors, but I downloaded the expanded sermon notes in PDF for myself, but I will share it.