Starting Tuesday: Biblical and Secular Reasons for Man-Woman Marriage

Announcing a new series starting Tuesday:

Biblical and Secular Reasons For Man-Woman Marriage

This is a series especially for pastors and teachers, to help them help their people know the best thinking on the marriage debate.

If you are not a pastor or a teacher, this will still be relevant to you; but please let your pastor(s) know about it.

Why This Series?

Same-sex “marriage” (SSM) proponents have confused issues through their rhetoric, making it seem as if the Bible hasn’t spoken clearly, or that Scripture is irrelevant.

They’ve also obscured the truth about marriage itself, making it seem as though it’s only there for the couple’s satisfaction. Their arguments for SSM are based on private feelings much more than public truth.

Christians need to be able to explain reasons for man-woman marriage from a biblical perspective, since it is our authority, and from a secular perspective, since there are so many who do not take the Bible as their authority. It helps, anyway, to know that everyday wisdom and the Bible’s teaching line up as closely as they do.

There are some great books and articles out there explaining all this for Christians. In this series I will collect, compile, and where necessary “translate” those writings from their academic language, to make them accessible to all.

Once a Week If Not More

I’ll have a new article out at least once a week, sometimes more often. You’ll be able to find it all from either the pastors/teachers page or on the marriage debate page.

Please spread the word!

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