Newly redesigned and repurposed in 2013, Thinking Christian is a blog for you.
Pastor, parent, Christian in the marketplace, even atheist or skeptic, there’s a home for you here. Here’s how you’ll find your home here–but first, what makes this blog different?
The Difference: Equipping You
Most Christian blogs, especially apologetics and worldview blogs, are the product of whatever the writer finds interesting. I blogged that way myself for eight years. It’s an approach that works up to a point, but I have decided it misses the point.
A Christian blog should focus on equipping others, for to serve as Christ did means to keep others at the center. That’s the new thing I’m setting out to do here.
A Place For You
So with the help of my tech-savvy son, Jonathan, I’ve created homes here for pastors, for parents, for Christians in the marketplace, and for atheists and skeptics. You’ll see them in the navigation menu above
Although I’m still writing blog posts according to what interests me, I’ve added these special places with material just for you. Pastor/teacher, you can go straight to your page and skip the rest. Parents, you can do the same, and so on for Christians in the marketplace, and for atheists and seekers. It’s your place: you’ll find material for you that never appears on the home page.
Not only that, but if you click on any post on the home page, frequently you will find there is “More on this topic” intended specifically for you. Just look for it in the sidebar on the left. If it’s there, it’s for you. If not, that simply means I didn’t have anything specific to offer you that’s related to that article.
Listening To You
Your part in this is essential: I can’t do this without hearing from you. You can always comment on any blog post, but what if there’s something else you want to say? Take a look on the right edge of the window: you should see an orange tab labeled “Feedback.” Click there, and then click “Give Feedback,” and I’ll hear your suggestions, your ideas, your thoughts on what to discuss or how to improve my connection with you. (If you don’t see the tab, click on another page and it should show up. Or you could leave a comment on this page.)
This Is Still Brand New…
In case it wasn’t clear enough already, I’ve launched into a whole new way to connect with readers on the Internet. I’m experimenting with methods and concepts. I think I have a lot yet to learn about what works and what doesn’t. That means there might be changes and adjustments along the way; it also means I’m more interested than ever in hearing your ideas and suggestions.
Sounds great! God bless you for your efforts!
Hey, love the blog! You were one of my seven nominations for the Beautiful Blogger Award.
Really nice of you to create a Christian blog where everybody is welcome, even the non-believers. People can comment and share their thoughts with each other. Good luck!